Mt.Meru Part 1V: The Summit

Morning had finally come. Renan awoke and knew he had just experienced a miracle. The stroke had passed and he knew he could summit. At 3:00 am the three of them started on the last climb.The Summit. But it was also the most difficult. All climbers know that in the “death zone” there was very little time before there was unreversable damage. Like Conners mentors he knew it was time to give someone else the reigns to be the first to summit..Jimmy. Jimmy knew the enormity of this task but also the thrill to be the first. One by one they stood at the top of Mt. Meru. Each went up for different reasons but in the end it was about being a team to help the other succeed. But it wouldn’t be the last of their summits..and isn’t that what life is all about? You may have come thru one major challenge but in real life it’s about many summits or challenges. So, to answer the initial question “ what is success ?”. Although it can be defined in many ways I believe it is about climbing the highest mountain thru all the obstacles and never giving up, no matter what the set back may be. Understanding your purpose and moving towards it. God says He has a purpose for our lives …even when it doesn’t make closing your business, moving to the desert, selling all your possessions, all at the age 60..who does that? Well, I’m doing it . Today my family and I said good bye “ for now” to our friends in San Diego …the same ones we’ve known for over 40 years. With tears flowing we move in a few weeks to a new chapter in our lives . What about you? Are you ready to summit that mountain that has been in front of you for a very very long time? One thing I have learned thru this journey is you can’t get to the next exciting chapter of your life UNTIL you summit . Start climbing and I’ll meet you at the top! This last series is dedicated to my friend Ed who has helped me summit. Love you.

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